The Lena Baker Domestic Violence & Women's Health Summit
Walking In Silence for the Silenced: DV Solidarity Walk 11.5.22
We The People That Are Darker Than Blue mental health series
October 27-30, 2022, 12 Noon EST

This year's Lena Baker Women's Health & Domestic Violence Summit will explore the mental health effects of continuous physical and psychological traumas that plagues American of the slavocracy system (ADOSS) through the music of Curtis Mayfield (Jun 03, 1942 - Dec 26, 1999). Mayfield was a prolific songwriter that wrote about being Black in America and black consciousness. We will explore Mayfield's most iconic songs that address internal colonization "We the People Are Darker Than Blue", Identity production "This Is My Country", and "People Get Ready". We will also explore the question, "Is there a time to heal?" with Mayfield's "Choice of Colors".

Min. Loretta Green-Williams
Summit Moderator
Postcolonial Theorist | Fd, CEO WOCPSCN

Special Guest Speaker
Denise Jackson
COVID: Mental Health of Domestic Violence
Thursday, October, 27, 2022, 11 am est
Series One: "We Are People Darker Than Blue" When Colorism Destroys the Heart
Based on the lyrics of Curtis Mayfield, this conversation will consider the difficulties of misogynoir, and colorism, among women of color.
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2022 12-noon pm est
We people who are darker than blue
Are we gonna stand around this town
And let what others say come true?
We're just good for nothing they all figure
A boyish, grown up, shiftless jigger
Now we can't hardly stand for that
Or is that really where it's at?
We people who are darker than blue
This ain't no time for segregatin'
I'm talking 'bout brown and yellow too
High yellow girl, can't you tell?
You're just the surface of our dark deep well
If your mind could really see
You'd know your color the same as me
Pardon me, brother, as you stand in your glory
I know you won't mind if I tell the whole story
Get yourself together, learn to know your side
Shall we commit our own genocide
Before you check out your mind?
I know we've all got problems
That's why I'm here to say
Keep peace with me and I with you
Let me love in my own way
Now I know we have great respect
For the sister and mother it's even better yet
But there's the joker in the street
Loving one brother and killing the other
When the time comes and we are really free
There'll be no brothers left you see
We people who are darker than blue
Don't let us hang around this town
And let what others say come true
We're just good for nothing they all figure
A boyish, grown up, shiftless jigger
Now we can't hardly stand for that
Or is that really where it's at?
Songwriter: Curtis Mayfield
We the People Who Are Darker Than Blue lyrics © Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp.

Dr. Tamu Petra Browne
Growth & Innovation Coach for Women Entrepreneurs
Thursday, October 27, 2022

Dr. LaTarsha Holden, MBA
Leadership Consultant | Author
Thursday, October 27, 2022
Series Two: "This Is My Country": When They Share Their Care
This conversation will consider the physical and physiological trauma of racism and what it currently feels and looks like.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2022 12-noon est
Do do do
Do do do
Some people think we don't have the right
To say it's my country
Before they give in, they'd rather fuss and fight
Than say it's my country
I've paid three hundred years or more
Of slave driving, sweat, and welts on my back
This is my country
Do do do
Do do do
Too many have died in protecting my pride
For me to go second class
We've survived a hard blow and I want you to know
That you'll face us at last
And I know you will give consideration
Shall we perish unjust or live equal as a nation
This is my country
Do do do
Do do do
And I know you will give consideration
Shall we perish unjust or live equal as a nation
This is my country
Do do do
Do do do
Do do do
Songwriter: Curtis Mayfield
This Is My Country lyrics © Warner Chappell Music, Inc

Vaneese Johnson
Global Speaker | Author
Friday, October 28, 2022

D'Sheene L. Evans
Visionarypreneur| Trauma Recovery Coach
The Trauma of Community
Friday, October 28, 2022

Special Guest Speaker
Lola Russell, Ph.D.
Health Communications at CDC and Prevention
The Intersectionality of Trauma: Exploring the Patchwork of Being
Saturday, October 29, 2022

Series Three: "People Get Ready": When Being Sick Is When You Are Sick-n-Tired
"People Get Ready" was released the year of the voting rights act (1965), Americans that were descendants of the slavocratic system were given reason for optimism. However, with the reversal of recent American rights, and new traumatic occurrences, how do the people get ready when the train is derailed?
People get ready
There's a train a comin'
You don't need no baggage
You just get on board
All you need is faith
To hear the diesels hummin'
You don't need no ticket
You just thank the Lord
So people get ready
There'a a train to Jordan
Picking up passengers
Coast to coast
Faith is the key
Open the doors and board them
There's hope for all
Among those loved the most
There ain't no room
For the hopeless sinner
Who would hurt all mankind
Just to save his own
Have pity on those whose
Chances grow thinner
There's no hiding place
Against the Kingdom's throne
So people get ready
There's a train a comin'
You don't need no baggage
You just get on board
All you need is faith
To hear the diesels hummin'
Don't need no ticket
You just thank the Lord
Written by: Curtis Mayfield
Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Warner Chappell Music, Inc.
Series Four: "Choice of Colors": When the Horrors of History Claim We Are Still Americans
The US big city hate crimes spiked by 39% in 2021*, and with one of the more horrific racial crimes, the Buffalo shooting, the conversation will center around healing processes. Mayfield's "Choice of Colors" will be the foundation of discussion. We will consider the historic formations that has created the American construct of racism. We will discuss what components towards racial healing can be considered. We will also consider how we can move forward, "...in order to form a more perfect union,..(Preamble of the United. States of America Constitution, 1787)".
Sunday, October 30, 2022 4:30 PM EST
If you had a choice of colors
Which one would you choose my brothers
If there was no day or night
Which would you prefer to be right
How long have you hated your white teacher
Who told you, you love your black preacher
Do you respect your brother's woman friend
And share with black folks not of kin
People must prove to the people
A better day is coming, for you and for me
With just a little bit more education
And love for our nation
Would make a better society
Now some of us would rather cuss and make a fuss
Than to bring about a little trust
But we shall overcome our beliefs someday
If you'll only listen to what I have to say
And how long have you hated your white teacher
Who told you, you love your black preacher
Can you respect your brother's woman friend
And share with black folks not of kin
I say now people must prove to the people
A better day is coming for you and for me
With just a little bit more education
And love for our nation
Would make a better society
And if you had a choice of colors
Which one would you choose my brothers
If there was no day or night
Which would you prefer to be right
And if you had a choice of colors
Which one would you choose my brothers
If there was no day or night
Which would you prefer to be right
If you had a choice of colors
Which one would you choose my brothers
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Curtis Mayfield
Choice of Colors lyrics © Warner Chappell Music, Inc

Dr. Mustafa Ansari
Dean Afro-Descendant Institute of Human Rights Chief Facilitator African Descendant Nation
Saturday, October 29, 2022

Joan Babiak
Attorney |Board of Trustees Member
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Dr. Camelia Straughn
Transformational Coach | Author | International Speaker
Sunday, October 30, 2022

Lorlett Hudson FRSA
Leadership Coach | Working with African and Caribbean Leaders and Entrepreneurs
Sunday, October 30, 2022
SAVE THE DATE: OCT. 26-28, 2023 in San Francisco, CA
"My Name Is Peaches": The Collide of Self-Worth within Self-Esteem
The 2023 Summit will consider the life of Nina Simone (February 21, 1933 – April 21, 2003). As a singer-songwriter, pianist, and civil rights activist, Simone's social commentary was not limited to the civil rights movement. Based on the Eurocentric appearance standards imposed on women of color, Simone explored four traditional archetypes in her song "Four Women". The song exposes the reality of the internalized identity of four black women with skin tones ranging from light to dark. Chardine Taylor-Stone has noted that, beyond the politics of beauty, this song also describes the stereotypical roles that many black women have historically been restricted to: the mammy, the tragic mulatto, the sex worker, and the angry black woman. Known for her temper and outbursts of aggression, Simone was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. The Lena Baker DV & Women's Health Summit, 2023 will address issues in colorism within identity production and mental health.
The 2023 Lena Baker DV & Women's Health Summit, will host the International Advisory Council 10th anniversary Lavender Luncheon Honoree. This luncheon is a fundraiser that honor persons in academic advocacy. The Summit weekend will also celebrate a one woman play based on Ms. Simone's song written by filmmaker, and International Advisory Council member, Dana Verde.
Dr. Kit Evans-Ford
Founder & Director at Argrow's House of Healing and Hope | Owner at Autistic & Loved, LLC I Consultant at ForeMedia Group